Friday, July 12, 2013

Getting back to the Gheeeah

Well mah niggas and seems like its time to get back on this. The times have changed and we have been through a lot since 2010 and its time to start discussing the struggles of this decade....

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Abyss of Thought #1

It started with trying to decide where to go...mcds, whataburger(just didnt make the final cut) and jack in the box....then it went to maybe both and then just tryin to decide between which one is better and bang this thought popped into my mind....

.....why good is good and evil is evil....its all about prespective....there really isnt a good or our wolrd many people known what morally good/bad mainly is....killing bad living good.....but now if the tables are turned and in this new world mostly everyone is evil trying to kill everyone and only a few beings being good wanted to live welll then....what we in our current classisfy evil would in this new world be the universal its all based on perspective but also who has a bigger portion which makes that their positive

Saturday, January 9, 2010

self to the power of hi

well when trvaling the planes of the unknown and cottoncandy tpye objects you get to thinking about the infinite possibilities that the universal is a sight inot my minds mind out in the next plane of this majestically universal area that we call the abyss of thought which is only accessable when self to the power of hi is achieved.....good night while I flying away into the abyss.....gheeeah

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Raging Bull Reviewed by The Struggler

Raging Bull is great movie and I give it a 9.1 penis out of 10. The movie shows the ups and downs of a man's struggle with achieving his dreams. De Niro does a great job at portraying Jack from fighting in the ring to keeping his marriage together.

Let's face it, this movie is easily to relate because we as human beings are always going after our dreams and always trying to keep our marriages stable and long lasting. Jack does go a little over board when he starts being paranoid about the fidelity of his wife and by all means he is within his right to do so. But by today's standards he would be nuts to leash out at his wife like the way he did but during that time period it was slightly more acceptable to do that.

But that aside the pride of a man not going down in the ring in the face of death is one of the greatest attributes we as humans have.

The Graduate - Review

After watching The Graduate on Blu-ray I can say that it is legit and the movie deserves a 8.9 penis ranking out of 10. The movie takes us back or to the point in our lives when we all have a big decision to make about what to do next. With the throw in of a crazy affair and falling for the daughter of that affair makes this movie passionate, lovable, hilarious, and an instant classic.

What makes this movie great is that any generation can relate to it. From the cheating wife because there is no D from the husband, which unfortunately has happened to some of us or someone we know, to the insanely irrational love for a women because we all have or will one day feel that way for someone.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

The Downfall of Our Time

In today's time our culture is changing drastically and it is affecting the youth at a greater scale. Sex, sex, sex is what our time is all about and that is great and all but it is not acceptable when it comes to the young generation and the way it is changing them for the future and the multitude of problems that stem from there. One day this youth will lead us to greatness or to destruction.

All this shit about sex is getting out of hand because it is creating an emotionless society where it does not matter who you sleep with because it is all fun and games. Sex should be based off a true emotional connection (and I'm not talking about blood flowing to the penis or a tingly sensation in the vagina, I'm talking about a heart felt emotion). Sex should be used to strengthen a bond between two individuals in a caring relationship and not just for a cheap and self-centered arousal of the flesh.

This emotionless sex leads to other more destructive activities that influence the way someone is shaped. One activity it leads to is abortion and the unchangeable scarring it leaves. Abortion is all good but when it is just used freely to change the outcome of birth because of some one night stand is damaging the way people take responsibility for there actions.

I'm not saying that abortion is wrong, I'm just saying that the reasons it is used sometimes can be a destructive force. Today it's just getting rid of a one night stand "accident" due to the carelessness of sex and tomorrow it might be a slap on the wrist for killing someone. The actions and mannerisms we do today will slowly and surely change and shape our behavior down the road, which will eventually be our downfall.

The Correct Terminology

In today's society the meaning of some words have a certain sexual context associated with them and by no means do they stand for anything else. The following is a list of what some of these word truly mean. If you are one of the few that are confused about these meanings then its time for you to learn them so you won't sound like some kind of slut or pig.

1.) Hit & Quit = Self explanatory

2.) Hooking Up = A sexual encounter with another which might lead to a multitude of these encounters. (See Next Listing)

3.) Fuck Buddy = A person you engage in sexual encounters with in which all parties have no emotional attachment to the other parties or try to anyways. (Women might buildup an emotional attachment more frequently then men).

4.) Being with him\her = You were in an encounter where there was penis or penis like (dildo) penetration.

5.) Hanging Out = Is a variety of activity ranging from making out to finger insertion.

These terms must be used correctly because if they are not a female might appear to be a slut or a male might appear to be a pig.